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The puddling furnace is a metalmaking technology used to create wrought iron or steel from the pig iron produced in a blast furnace. The furnace is constructed to pull the hot air over the iron without the fuel coming into direct contact with the iron, a system generally known as a reverberatory furnace or open hearth furnace .

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Luminos dRF Max has a large 43 cm x 43 cm flat panel detector for fluoroscopy and high-resolution radiography. Combining this with Siemens unique image processing and the CARE features results in brilliant images with reduced dose for patients and staff.

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Luminos dRF Max is a 2-in-1 remote-control system that offers you the advantages of both digital fluoroscopy and radiography in one system. And brings you MAX – combining the proactive support of MAX assistance and the highly comprehensive imaging technology of MAX detection.

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