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Hi,I’m just starting to try to get a microcontroller to read an IBM floppy, and ran across your Amiga project.Did you go all the way down to receiving those individual pulses from the floppy, detecting the index, and sync, and reading sector, track, side, crc, and decoding FM or MFM or however the data is encoded?
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Daily Great Lakes and Seaway Shipping News Archive, new stories and photos from October 2016 ... The tug Petite Forte with the barge St. Marys Cement was at the St. Marys cement dock unloading. ... (later PERE MARQUETTE 16) was launched in Toledo, Ohio. She was built by the Craig Shipbuilding Company for the United States & …
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He Does Not Know Himself By Such A Title ... Slaggit SLAGGIT too fast engine's offline Primus even I won't survive this how the slag did I ever get into this -- ... Then there was another gunshot, and another scream, and suddenly a petite young woman dashed out of the driveway not far down the road and started running the other way, followed by ...
chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onRequest.addRules([rule2]); Note: You should always register or unregister rules in bulk rather than individually because each of these operations recreates internal data structures. This re-creation is computationally expensive but facilitates a very fast URL matching algorithm for hundreds of thousands of URLs.
Bělicí prostředky a jiné látky pro praní; čisticí, lešticí, cídicí a brusné přípravky; mýdla; parfumerie, éterické oleje, kosmetika, vlasové vody; prostředky k čištění zubů; odstraňovač nátěrů; přípravky na pročištění odpadního potrubí; přípravky k odlíčení; adstringentní přípravky pro kosmetické účely; kamence [antiseptické]; ambra [parfém ...
Le grand intérêt du procédé Martin est la possibilité de recycler du fer ou de l'acier sous forme de riblons ou sur forme de ferraille ... on fait la première prise d'essai ; à cet effet, on plonge dans le bain une petite poche de fer préalablement chauffée, et on en retire un peu de métal qu'on verse dans un moule en fonte ; on ...
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