menghancurkan organigramme skematik.

WHAT IS COMING UP. Consult our ongoing work. ESMA'S WORK PROGRAMME. Press & News . ESMA NEWS

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Personal data collected during this process, will be stored in accordance with the "Computing and Liberty" law ("Informatique, fichiers et libertés" law 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 modified by law 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004).

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L'organigramme Macif contient ses 38 principaux dirigeants dont Jean-Marc Raby, Olivier Arles et Philippe Ricard

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We have created a business structure of excellence in the management of shipbuilding and ship repair.

As head of SMEdenmark, CEO Ane Buch, is responsible for the work of the organisation. She coordinates the overall policy development in cooperation with the Chairman and the board of SMEdenmark.