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moulin sfax.
LA CONFISERIE TRIKI LE MOULIN Née d’une fusion entre 2 sociétés appartenant à la famille TRIKI : Le Moulin, spécialisée dans la fabrication de la Halwa Chamia et Bonbons et la Confiserie du Sud spécialisée dans la production des Chewing-gum et Bubble-gum LA CONFISERIE TRIKI LE MOULIN (CTM) a réussi à introduire ses produits sur le …
Address: Road to Gabes Km 3, 3052 Sfax, TUNESISCHE ... (specialized in the production of chewing gum and Bubble-gum), LA CONFISERIE TRIKI LE MOULIN (CTM) has been able to position itself as the leading company in North Africa and to introduce its products to the Middle East, American, French and American markets. Africa and Europe.
Grâce à sa centrale de . moulins saâda les machines de moulin a sfax la microcentrale . depot de carriere photos de kaolin fournisseurs . puissance de machoire - deanforclinton quelle est la puissance de la . formation de calcite broyeur de broussailles les machines de moulin . minerai Pomb-Zinc photos de kaolin procedes .
Lives in Sfax. See Photos. Wassim Frikha. Lycée Stephen Pichon. Lives in Sfax. Went to Lycée Stephen Pichon. See Photos. Wassim Frikha (Be'happy) Team Leader Case Solving & Consultancy oGX at Entity Control Board ,Tunisia. From Sfax. Studies Industrial engineering at Institut International de Technologie Sfax ...
The MOBIDOC thesis partners are the LBGEL and the confectionery Triki-Moulin (Sfax, Tunisia). Thanks are due to the panel members for their judges and participation in sensory evaluation. Finally, the authors are grateful to Mr. Mohamed Ali Ayadi from Institute of Biotechnology of Sfax for the textural analysis.
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