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temp234te nv mine d r.
history of the former Anaconda Copper Mine Site in Yerington, Nevada (Site), and to make available for discussion a listing of known and reported spills and chemicals used at the Site. As part of this HSR, the summary of historical operations, as captured by Brown and ... Historical Summary Report, Anaconda-Yerington Mine Site 2). R YERINGTON ...
Proposed Plan for Rio Tinto Mine Site N E V A D A D I V I S I O N O F E N V I R O N M E N T A L P R O T E C T I O N This Proposed Plan specifies how the Nevada Division of Environmental ... Figure 1: Site Location Map of Rio Tinto Mine Site, Elko County, NV. RIO TINTO PROPOSED PLAN, October 2010 Page 4 ties in in the 1990’s, the main mine ...
The Paradise Peak mine is a major gold-silver-mercury deposit located in the southwestern part of the Paradise Range near the eastern edge of the Walker Lane in the western Great Basin, Nevada. Regional stratigraphic relations and K-Ar ages indicate that volcanism changed from silicic ash-flow tuffs to intermediate lavas at about 20 to 19 Ma.
Nevada Turquoise Mines through Lucky Peak Damale, Damele or Damaile Turquoise, Faustite, and Variscite. The Damale Turquoise mine also called the Damele, Damaile and Damali Turquoise mine is located in east central Nevada near the Carico Lake mine.Damele Turquoise is distinctive because of the zinc content that turns the stone yellow-green and increases its hardness in some cases.
Theses Pertaining to the Geology of Nevada Many of these theses are available in the DeLaMare Library in the Mackay Mines Building on the Reno campus of the University of Nevada. Abdullah, S.K.M., 1966, Geology of the southern part of the Sand Springs Range, Churchill County, Nevada [M.S.]: Univ. Nevada, Reno, 53 p.
REPORT 17 TURQUOISE DEPOSITS OF NEVADA By Frank R. Morrissey MACKAY SCHOOL OF MINES UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA RENO, NEVADA 1968. 2 ... Number 8 mine, Eureka County ..... 14. 3 Frank R. Morrissey was for many years on the editorial staff of the Oakland Tribune, Oakland, Calif. One of his hobbies was mineral and rock ...
G B R Mines Co Ltd: NV: G F G Corp: SD: G H S Mining Co: KS: G O F Mining Co: WA: G S P Mining Co: CA: Gabbs Valley Mnrl Corp: NV: Gabriel Mining Co: CA: Gadsden Copper Co: AZ: ... Gold Acres Mine: NV: Gold Age Mining Co: AZ: Gold Anchor Mining & Milling Co: CO: Gold Anchor Mining Co Ltd: NV: Gold Arrow Mines Ltd: WA: Gold Arrow Mining Co: ID ...
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