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Translation for 'moulding' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down. bab.la - Online dictionaries, ... English Just take a look at China’ s main imports at present: aluminium smelters, casting machines, presses, ... all about moulding a functioning machine from the chaos of training camp.
Since its inception in 1912, Isis has featured scholarly articles, research notes and commentary on the history of science, medicine, and technology, and their cultural influences. Review essays and book reviews on new publications in the field are also included. An official publication of the History of Science Society, this is the oldest (and most widely circulating) English-language journal ...
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The Smithsonian Libraries is the most comprehensive museum library system in the world, supporting the vital research of the Institution as well as the work of scientists and scholars around the world. Consisting of 21 branch libraries in Washington, D.C., Panama and New York, our collections are...
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