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broyeur mobile superminence.
Learn how to build the shredder machines to chop bigger plastics into smaller flakes. ... Shredder machine. The shredder is the backbone of Precious Plastic. Thanks to this machine we can shred bigger plastic objects into small flakes. Smaller flakes are easier to store and wash. The shredded plastic can be used as raw material for the other ...
Terminator direct to product overview Toggle navigation Introduction. Introduction Highlights Specification Media Green Efficiency Info & Downloads Share Facebook; Xing; LinkedIn; Single-shaft shredder for pre-shredding. The Terminator is a slow speed, high torque single-shaft shredder for hard-to-shred waste. ...
Products. Overseeders; Lawn edgers; ... The ELIET MINOR 4S smoothly combines a wide hopper for various types of waste with compactness and ease of use. Above all, waste is processed in an extremely safe manner. This is because the machine has a dedicated safety screen, a steel safety shield and a heavy-duty debris flap. ...
Ferrous Scrap Treatment. Ferrous Scrap Treatment. The market values the cleanliness and the density in the ferrous scrap, since the steel mills reward those raw materials that reduce costs of production and maintenance. ... Ferrous Scrap Shredding and Classification Mobile Plants. Ferrous Scrap Shredding and Classification Stationary Plants ...
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