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uesdsanding machine.
Hardwood Floor Machines Sanding, Cleaning and Curing Machines. The right hardwood floor equipment can make all the difference in terms of time and results! City Floor Supply carries a large inventory of new and used floor machines, like floor sanders, edgers, and buffers from all the top manufactures including, Clarke, Festool, Lägler, …
for sale is a delta rockwell 12 disc sander floor model. made in the USA three phase machine . heavy duty, cast iron machine. new bearings and wiring were installed . the motor is 1 horse power and protected by a magnetic switch. machine was totally restored to factory specs. clean with new paint. sander runs very quiet. $285 . for pick …
Floor Sanding Machines & Equipment Belt Sanders, Drum Sanders, Hand Sanders & Sander Parts. Sanding a hardwood floor is no easy task. Make sure you have all the floor sanding equipment you need to ensure you get the best results. City Floor Supply carries a large inventory of new and used floor sanders, including belt sanders, drum sanders, and ...
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