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magasin de technologie grind.
BOSS Magazine is a leading source for trustworthy news and updated analysis on Technology trends. View our Technology coverage and top headlines on thebossmagazine. BOSS Magazine is a leading source for trustworthy news and updated analysis on Technology trends. View our Technology coverage and top headlines on thebossmagazine.
KAPP NILES produces machines for the gear technology, which are used for the machining of e.g. gears and shafts.As a global operating company KAPP NILES has subsidiaries in USA, Brazil, China and a joint venture in Japan. Gears count to the most important components of transmissions, which are used in various industry sectors, …
GRINDING TECHNOLOGY. AMADA is a world market leader for optical profile grinding and high precision surface and profile grinding. With the combination of the extensive technologies from Wasino, Petewe, Doebeli and Profiltec all under the ownership of AMADA, we will lead profile grinding into new dimensions:. With integrated measuring Technology – Winner of the Innovation Award
KAPP NILES produces machines for the gear technology, which are used for the machining of e.g. gears and shafts.As a global operating company KAPP NILES has subsidiaries in USA, Brazil, China and a joint venture in Japan. Gears count to the most important components of transmissions, which are used in various industry sectors, like for example automotive and engineering.
With its eight strong company brands (STUDER, SCHAUDT, MIKROSA, WALTER, EWAG, MÄGERLE, BLOHM, JUNG), the UNITED GRINDING Group is the leading supplier of hard fine machining. It has a customer-oriented and efficient organization, with its own branches and sales partners worldwide. Well over 2,000 employees work for this sector in total.
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