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Vol. 143 No. 13 March 31, 2015 Vol. 143 No. 13 le 31 mars 2015 THE CANADIAN PATENT OFFICE RECORD LA GAZETTE DU BUREAU DES BREVETS Agnès Lajoie Acting Commissioner of Patents Agnès Lajoie Commissaire aux brevets par intérim The Canadian Patent Office Record is published on Tuesday of each week under the …
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Wanda G. Webb PhD, CCC-SLP, in Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist (Sixth Edition), 2017 Decussation. The crossing of the right and left corticospinal tract is known as decussation, sometimes called the decussation of the pyramids.The few fibers, variable in number, that do not cross are collectively known as the anterior corticospinal tract.
Dilution ratios were estimated to be 3400 to 1 for average year mean monthly flows, and 114 to 1 for the low flow month (March) of a 100-year low flow condition. Calculated potential arsenic concentrations in spillway discharge for these flow conditions, based on upward diffusion only, were 0.004 mg/L and 0.13 mg/L respectively.
decussation [de″kus-sa´shun] a crossing over; the intercrossing of fellow parts or structures in the form of an X. decussation of pyramids the anterior part of the lower medulla oblongata in which most of the fibers of each pyramid intersect as they cross the midline and descend as the lateral corticospinal tracts. de·cus·sa·ti·o, pl. de·cus·sa ...
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