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reclamations minieres new mexico.
The Mining Act Reclamation Program (MARP) was created under the New Mexico Mining Act of 1993 to regulate hard rock mining reclamation activities for all minerals except the exploration and extraction of potash, sand, gravel, caliche, borrow dirt and quarry rock used as aggregate in construction; ...
ANNUAL REPORT 2011 25 Mining and Minerals Division MISSION: The Mining and Minerals Division (MMD) seeks to promote the public trust by ensuring the responsible utilization, conservation, reclamation and safeguarding of land and resources affected by mining. MMD strives to make New Mexico a leader in
RECLAMATION Reclamation helps to ensure that any effects of oil and gas development on the land and on other resources and uses are not permanent. The ultimate objective of reclamation is ecosystem restoration, including restoration of any natural vegetation, hydrology, and wildlife habitats affected by surface disturbances from construction and operating activities at an oil and gas site.
Welcome to the public website for the New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project EIS. The United States Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Lower Colorado Region and the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) are preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the New Mexico Unit (NM Unit) of the Central Arizona Project (CAP).
Reclamation Overview . Tweet; ... Since reclamation work began at the Tyrone Mine in 2004, more than $200 million has been spent on reclamation activities at all New Mexico copper mining sites. Whether or not closure is imminent, thorough reclamation and closure plans are in place at all copper mines. They ensure the New Mexico environment is ...
Reclamation; Alaska Legacy Wells; State Oil and Gas Lease Sales. The BLM announces and holds public, competitive lease sales in the following states. Through the links below, find upcoming state lease sale information, historical documents, and related resources. ... Including Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. ...
The Albuquerque Area Office (AAO) consists of six field offices in portions of three states: south-central Colorado, most of New Mexico, and west Texas. The AAO is responsible for Reclamation program activities in the Rio Grande, Pecos River, and Canadian River Basins and also serves 19 Native American pueblos and three tribes.
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