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Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you'll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming together words that are conceptually related to your inputs.. For example, enter "giraffe" and you'll get back words like "gazellephant" and "gorilldebeest".
Là se tissent souvenirs et réflexions, le ghetto de Varsovie, son insurrection, le yod, les arbres — De Luca en plante au fil des années, car « celui qui fait l’écrivain doit rendre au monde un peu du bois abattu pour imprimer ses livres » —, le yiddish appris comme un acte de résistance et de mémoire : « le yiddish a été mon ...
Los SdeEscalona y de Montalban, Por Fernando Jimenez de Gregorio. Pepyankh Henykem of Meir. sAb Corpus - Matrice DDT. escarabeos 1. ... la plante sacrée de Haute-Égypte t C> swt. C'est par respect qu'on l'écrit en tête, et comme en toutes choses, le roi de Haute-Égypte a la prédominance sur le roi de Basse- ...
When an HTTP client (generally a web browser) requests a URL that points to a directory structure instead of an actual web page within the directory, the web server will generally serve a default page, which is often referred to as a main or "index" page.. A common filename for such a page is index.html, but most modern HTTP servers offer a …
King Vidor: Billy The Kid (1930) K: per. Walter Noble Burnsin kirjaan "The Saga of Billy the Kid", pääosassa Johnny Mack Brown /William H. Bonney/Billy The Kid/ King Vidor: The Texas Rangers / Texasin kuolemaneskadroona (1936) K: per. Walter Prtt Webbin novelliin, Pääosassa Fred MacMurray /Jim Hawkins/ Otto Brower & Edwin H. …
The locality of Mazan (Provence, South-Eastern France) yielded numerous remains of vertebrates, including numerous isolated teeth and a few bone fragments of mammals. A preliminary faunal list was published by Triat et al; the present systematic revision of the mammalian remains and the description ...
Publications scientifiques Database patient., (Garber G;Mazin B;), Management of invasive aspergillosis in the immunocompromised , The Medical Post, NOT IN FILE Rochefort CM; Buckeridge DL; Forster AJ, (2015 Jan 8), Accuracy of using automated methods for detecting adverse events from electronic health record data: a research …
Ruth Plante Shirley Novi Susan Dearnley Thomas Millea Victoria Fuld William (Bill) Dial ... Mark Montalban Marybeth Palmieri Maureen Ghiroli Maureen May Meg Murray Murray Michael (Mike) Casey ... Ashley Carriere Courtney Berard Daniella Matias Dav Leal: Elizabeth Geroux Henri Ouellette James (Jim) Odonoghue
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