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The pressure-corrected index Dst* = Dst − b + c, from which the contribution of the magnetopause current to Dst has been removed, p is the solar wind dynamic pressure, b is a constant of proportionality, and c is a constant representing the changes of both the quiet time magnetopause and the ring currents, and τ is the decay time of the ring ...

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The pressure‐corrected index Dst* = Dst − b + c, from which the contribution of the magnetopause current to Dst has been removed, p is the solar wind dynamic pressure, b is a constant of proportionality, and c is a constant representing the changes of both the quiet time magnetopause and the ring currents, and τ is the decay time of the ...

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Representation of the species attributes on the RLQ axes. The horizontal lines for every attribute show minimum and maximum, while the ends of boxes show the second and fourth quartiles of the values. ... Richardson, S. Procheş, and J. R. U. Wilson acknowledge support from the DST‐NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology. …

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research ..

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