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moulin a porcelaine.
Moulin italien en porcelaine et laiton. Moulin italien en porcelaine et laiton. Moulin en porcelaine et laiton. Circa: 1900. Moulin en porcelaine et laiton de marque Olga. Circa: 1900. Moulin allemand en bakelite de marque DMR (Deutsche Metallwarenfabrik Rostock). Époque: 1920 - 1940. Moulin allemand de marque Leinbrock
Moulin Roty is a French brand with a heritage as unique as the distinctive toys it creates. Originally started in 1972 by a group of parents who founded not only the company but also a community by the same name, Moulin Roty makes classic toys that are wholesome, yet elegantly designed and simple, yet rich with creative possibilities.
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